speaking out

Rollie Pollies

Rollie Pollies

Whenever I feel threatened, scared, alone, insecure, or frankly not sure what I’m feeling my first reaction is to retreat. To curl up into a ball and protect myself. I am reminded of the bug’s I loved as a kid. Rollie Pollies, I thought they were so cool. You picked one up, and immediately they went from horizontal, bug-like, to a perfectly round circle. This amazing armor like shell that protected them from the world around them. It was only after some unspecified amount of time if you were patient enough that they would uncurl and then crawl around on your hand.



It is often said that offense is the best defense and while I agree with that some of the time, sometimes I think defense is the best defense. One of my best defenses has always been hiding in plain sight. If no one can see me, if no one has any idea that anything is wrong, if no one has any idea that I have a secret then they won’t go searching for it… right?

Fears, Triggers, & Trauma, Oh My!

Fears, Triggers, & Trauma, Oh My!

Much like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, I, like many people all over the world have had my life turned upside down in the last week. In many ways it feels like my house was blown away in a tornado and I am now living in a fantasy world completely unlike the one I actually know.