letting people in


Friends always have your best interest at heart. That being said, sometimes their best intentions can seem like they are contradicting one another. I am forever being told that I don’t put myself out there, that I don’t give people chances, and that I don’t open up enough. Yet when I do put myself out there, when I do open up, and when I do decide I want something, if it doesn’t fit the deemed appropriate timeline I am then told to move on, that I deserve something better, and that I wait around for too long in situations that aren’t good for me.

Rollie Pollies

Rollie Pollies

Whenever I feel threatened, scared, alone, insecure, or frankly not sure what I’m feeling my first reaction is to retreat. To curl up into a ball and protect myself. I am reminded of the bug’s I loved as a kid. Rollie Pollies, I thought they were so cool. You picked one up, and immediately they went from horizontal, bug-like, to a perfectly round circle. This amazing armor like shell that protected them from the world around them. It was only after some unspecified amount of time if you were patient enough that they would uncurl and then crawl around on your hand.